11 September 2009
Now I’m currently staying at a boat, the owner of which I haven’t seen and hopefully will never see (especially unexpected), because it will be very difficult to explain him fast enough, without ashamed bubbling What on Earth I am doing in his boat! And even the fact that his friend allowed me to do it won't sound rather firm.
Let me start my story from yesterday morning – I left my previous accommodation with all my stuff because my host had to leave the place and I went straight to the marine! After the inspiring story of the boat hitchhiking I decided to throw a dice and see how far i can go with that smallest sum of money i had left. I found that magic radio where every morning at 8 o’clock sailors exchange their news, advertise some new interesting events and where you can share your wishes to go somewhere or advertise something even if you’re not a member of their society.
So I met this guy and staying there with my luggage all alone, chewing nervously the words I shared with him my crazy idea to hitchhike to the main land and if he would be so king to show me how I can do it and how I can announce it on the radio so everybody could hear me. And guess what – he said that he saw travelers with the same purpose a lot in this marine, the same desperate traveling souls without money, lonely wondering in the world people!!
Now I know how to arrange this and can share this information easily with everybody if somebody is interested;) But as this was not the right season there were not so many people hanging out in the marine and my chance to get a ride was extremely close to zero, but my destiny is very kind to me and it lead me again to very open people and while I was waiting for the miracle I was staying in a boat with a roof, great view to the stars and an extra blanket! ;)
Tomorrow at 8.30 I’ll lead the yoga class for the ladies living near or at the marine and at 1p.m. I have a meeting with a Russian old lady who lives here for a long time and I believe she’s got some tips for me. We’ll see!
Now, quietly swinging on the waives with the pleasant voice of Billy Holliday I’m going to have a sleep at my new temporary house!;)
Hasta manana!
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