Monday, October 5, 2009

close by to La Paz, B.C.S.

My friend who brought me all the way from Ensenada, came to visit me in Paz. And here you can see where he took me to this time. The person whose career started with hopping on the cargo train and whose articles are translated into dozens of languages became my friend. I am very proud of it and will be telling this to everyone! Hurray to Ray The Sun!

still in Paz

19 September 2009
Guess what! I’m still in La Paz!;)
I think I can stay here for ever, lovely, peaceful, quite city full of kind and open people and
thousands stunning picturesque landscapes around!

Malecon. Saturday

13 September 2009
Yesterday was Saturday and almost whole La Paz was walking on the Malecon (the street next to the Bay) with families. Kids and old people, bicycles and skateboards, graffiti performances and musicians with bongos, lots of jewelry trades and homemade decorations. Lively Malecon, lively La Paz and lots of happy relaxed smiles and faces. I had a company of a nice Capitan and we were walking and talking, enjoying at last cooled down wind and wonderful view of a night water.
Then we went to the bar to listen to a live band which included one Israeli guy on drums and two Mexican with guitars and they were playing the old school American rock! That was fun!!

marina de La Paz 2

11 September 2009
Now I’m currently staying at a boat, the owner of which I haven’t seen and hopefully will never see (especially unexpected), because it will be very difficult to explain him fast enough, without ashamed bubbling What on Earth I am doing in his boat! And even the fact that his friend allowed me to do it won't sound rather firm.
Let me start my story from yesterday morning – I left my previous accommodation with all my stuff because my host had to leave the place and I went straight to the marine! After the inspiring story of the boat hitchhiking I decided to throw a dice and see how far i can go with that smallest sum of money i had left. I found that magic radio where every morning at 8 o’clock sailors exchange their news, advertise some new interesting events and where you can share your wishes to go somewhere or advertise something even if you’re not a member of their society.
So I met this guy and staying there with my luggage all alone, chewing nervously the words I shared with him my crazy idea to hitchhike to the main land and if he would be so king to show me how I can do it and how I can announce it on the radio so everybody could hear me. And guess what – he said that he saw travelers with the same purpose a lot in this marine, the same desperate traveling souls without money, lonely wondering in the world people!!
Now I know how to arrange this and can share this information easily with everybody if somebody is interested;) But as this was not the right season there were not so many people hanging out in the marine and my chance to get a ride was extremely close to zero, but my destiny is very kind to me and it lead me again to very open people and while I was waiting for the miracle I was staying in a boat with a roof, great view to the stars and an extra blanket! ;)
Tomorrow at 8.30 I’ll lead the yoga class for the ladies living near or at the marine and at 1p.m. I have a meeting with a Russian old lady who lives here for a long time and I believe she’s got some tips for me. We’ll see!
Now, quietly swinging on the waives with the pleasant voice of Billy Holliday I’m going to have a sleep at my new temporary house!;)
Hasta manana!

Marina de La Paz

La Paz

9 September 2009

Now I’m in La Paz, my credit card is blocked I don’t know how to deal with Russian bank from Mexico, there is $100 pesos in my pocket and I’m looking for the decision how to make it!

Tonight we plan to drink vodka and tequila with guys, now we are four and everybody from different countries – one Russian, one American, one Canadian and now one more – Mexican ;)

I eager to make it and I won’t have to go back, biting my nails in sadness and shaming tears in my eyes! I’ve heard some stories how brave and desperate people crossed the countries without money and how they were inspired with the free nomadic way of life and how they were sharing and learning on their road. And I don’t understand why I can’t be like them, be a simple human seeking for the piece of happiness in this internal life and bless. I want to feel the value of this life and I want to help others to understand it through my experience and my conclusions and in my dream I want everybody see this beauty which I admire right now!

Today I had colored dreams about trees, caws, cactuses and peaceful life on this planet. And I believe tomorrow will bring me more adventure and some interesting turns! Life is amazing!!



pics from Baja's road trip